Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Central Baptist Church

I attended Central Baptist Church in Bryan, Texas. From the beginning of my worship experience it was very clear to me that new media would play a major role in the delivering of their Sunday message. From the praise and worship time to the pastor's message, Central cultivated numerous forms of digital technology to execute their service. Many of the audio/visual techniques and instrumentation used during the corporate praise and worship time was similar to that of a secular concert. Along with this, the pastor utilized the projector screen to convey visual representations and guidelines of his sermon. All of these aspects I believe made for a more well-rounded and easily received worship service. I also explored Central's website and found an array of online resources that they use to spread their message. One of their great digital tools are weekly podcasts of the Sunday sermons. They also broadcast weekly messages on radio and television for those who cannot attend the service in person. All in all, I was very impressed with the multiple ways in which Central Baptist Church utilizes new media to convey and spread their Gospel message.

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